Erik Scholander

Here are some of my current projects:

Lawyer online archive system
-System for keeping diaries, calendars, archives and acts all in synch.

Algoritmic hedge funds tool.
-A tool for users to create their own algorithmic hedge funds with live market data and millisecond response times. For free! In research stage. For a preview of what I am planning to offer with connection to the Swedish markets (to start with!) look at Collective2. Focus will be on algo trading and very low latency for arbitrage trading. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in participating, contributing or funding!

Ultra low latency trading/messaging system
Low/sub microsecond system. Low Latency Trading.

Stockholm lunchguide
-A lunch guide for Stockholm with a smart ui. lunchguide project. Currently transforming this to a Iphone/Blackberry friendly version hence it will look a little weird at the moment. Currently on hold.

Beer brewing
-Brew your own beer in a micro brewery! Give the course as a birthday gift to your friend or colleague. Currently on hold, but the ambition always arise in the summer again!

My email!

-Erik Scholander